Category: Melbourne

Where Are All Your Eggs?

  Ever since you were a teenager your Sex Ed teacher, or probably your parents, drilled into you the importance of contraception. The ever looming ‘threat’ of pregnancy drilled into you as if it were easy. So, you can imagine the frustration when you finally get to an age when…

Easy Ways To Beat Cold & Flu Fast

Feeling run down with a sore throat, runny nose, pounding head, cough, or fever? Perhaps you have not yet fully recovered from your last cold or flu and are feeling tired and exhausted? Don’t suffer in silence waiting for your cold to run its course or to gradually feel better…

How to avoid work-related burnout

  We’ve just reached two-thirds of the way through 2019 and if you’re yet to have a nice holiday or any time off, you’re probably starting to feel overwhelmed, tired, emotionally drained and unable to meet constant demands. With more people working longer hours than ever, feeling stressed about work…

10 ways to help your immune system:

If you’ve been suffering from a runny nose, blocked sinuses or a lingering cough it seems that you’re not alone. According to the Department of Health, between April and May the amount of people presenting with flu – like symptoms was more than twice the five-year average. With many people…

Spring is here!

  Spring Is Here! Is It Time to Detox? Are you ready to say goodbye to feeling tired, bloated and overweight?  A Spring Detox is a great way to kick your health into action and get things back on track. So What Is Detoxification? Detoxification is a process that your…

Insomnia – Tips to improve sleep

Tips to Improve Sleep You toss, you turn; nothing feels right. Nothing feels relaxed. The sheets are too wrinkled, the blankets too rumpled, the pillows too soft, and you just know you’re never going to get to sleep tonight. Insomnia is a problem that haunts approximately 50% of the population.…

The man with the button phobia

  A client who was terrified of buttons, would date girls based on if they wore buttons or not. Yes, that was right. It was seriously affecting his life and he had no idea why. Under hypnosis, his subconscious quickly made the link to where he had learnt that buttons…