Traditionally, we see doctors when we have some type of obvious ache or pain. Yet, waiting for obvious symptoms to appear before seeking help is becoming an increasing burden on our economy and our well-being. While it’s called “health” care, it’s actually sick care.
Chiropractors are leading the way with wellness care. And the preliminary research is supportive!
Researchers, Blanks, Schuster and Dobson published the results of a retrospective assessment of subluxation-based chiropractic care on self-related health, wellness and quality of life. After surveying 2,818 respondents in 156 clinics, a strong connection was found between persons receiving chiropractic care and self-reported improvement in health, wellness and quality-of-life. 95% of respondents reported that their expectations had been met, and 99% wished to continue care. Positive results included:
- Making better food choices,
- Taking less medications,
- Getting sick less often,
- More energy, and
- Less symptoms.
A study published in a 1996 edition of Topics in Clinical Chiropractic looked at a group of seniors 75-years or older. Those receiving chiropractic care reported:
- Better overall health,
- Fewer hospitalisations,
- Used fewer medications and
- Were more active than their non-chiropractic peers.
A more recent analysis published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics looked at 311 chiropractic patients 65-years or older who had been receiving “maintenance” chiropractic care for five years or longer. When compared with those not receiving chiropractic care, they had half as many medical doctor visits and overall had healthier habits.
Other studies further confirm what a growing number of our own practice members of all ages tell us: it’s actually less expensive to stay well, than it is to get well.