With the belief that our life stories shape our physical function we take time to listen and understand each person’s unique journey.
Our interests are in people who have experienced cancer, lymphoedema, maternity/pelvic health and pelvic pain conditions.
Our Physiotherapist provides support and care to women across the life stages from pregnancy and childbirth, continence, menopause, pelvic pain syndromes and cancer related care, in particular gynaecological and breast cancer from pre-operative assessment, acute surgical recovery and ongoing management.
Inclusive Care for Everyone
Pelvic health issues are not specific to women with men also experiencing continence issues and pelvic pain. Incontinence is a major concern to men after prostate surgery and they are usually quite eager to perform their pelvic floor exercises!
Lymphoedema is a condition of excessive swelling in a part of the body. In the case of cancer surgery it is classified as secondary lymphoedema and is often distal to the nodal region dissected and there is a 30% risk of developing lymphoedema across a person’s life when regional nodes are involved or combined with radiotherapy. It is an accumulation of lymphatic fluid and usually due to an inability of the lymphatic collectors and regional nodes to effectively drain the limb segment.
We strive to provide a safe environment and inclusive care for people of all sexual orientations, sex and gender identities.