What is Life Coaching?


Every high performing athlete has a coach; the coach is someone who reminds the athlete of their vision, builds a plan and holds them accountable. They offer a neutral, objective and constructive point of view, supporting their mental and physical health while the athlete works to achieve their goals.

As we navigate today’s fast-paced world, the application of coaching to business and life has become increasingly popular and highly effective in helping to solve problems in our personal and professional lives.

What does life coaching have to do with integrative health?

Science has told us that when problems build up, stress arises and this can lead to multiple medical issues including anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome and weight gain.

Are you stressed?

Have you lost your sense of purpose? Are you confused about what direction to go in? Have you just lost your mojo? Are you struggling to find time in your day to prioritise your health? If you’re saying yes to any of these questions, then coaching can help you!

The areas of life that may need attention to reduce this stress may include changes to:

  • Career
  • Business
  • Relationships
  • Health
  • Education
  • Recreation

A great coach will provide a supportive and non-judgemental space to help you:

  • define the problems
  • find solutions
  • define your goals, and build a plan to achieve them
  • and keep you accountable to your goals!

In order to get your health on track and reduce your stress, let’s be proactive and holistic about your care! Therefore we encourage you to see our Life Coach as part of your integrative care plan.

Will the Coach just tell me what to do?

No! That is mentoring or consulting, which has its applications more in a business context, where a “business coach” may be involved in brainstorming, or giving specific advice or consultation. Coaching in the context of life coaching is about the coach guiding you to achieve the outcomes you want. It is the skill of the coach to help you find your own answers that create the best outcomes for you.

A coach doesn’t need to be an expert in their clients’ field of work nor have experienced what the client has in order to help identify the best strategy to assist them.

Is Coaching Right for Me or Do I Need a Counsellor? What is the Difference?

Therapy and counselling deals with the client’s mental health. Coaching deals with the client’s mental growth.

Coaching is a partnership between the coach and the client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximise their personal and professional potential.

Coaching does not diagnose, prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease and does not substitute for therapy, counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals.

Coaching may include but is not limited to discussions related to work or business, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation, but it is not a substitute for trained mental health professionals.


If you’re curious but unsure, you can book a 10 minute chat, or a 30-minute Discovery or Focused Coaching Session with our coach, Shannyn Merlo!

Email today [email protected]