
Historically, magnesium comes from ‘Magnesia’ an ancient Greek city where large deposits of magnesium were found. In the form of Epsom salts, magnesium has long been used therapeuticallty as a foot soak to soften rough spots and absorb foot odour and as a bath additive to ease muscle aches and pains. Magnesium plays an essential role in a wide range of biological reactions within the body including: energy metabolism, nerve conduction, muscle activity and immune function.

Those deficient in magnesium may experience the following symptoms:

  • Muscle weakness and spasm
  • Numbness, tingling, cramps
  • Vertigo, ataxia
  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Cardiac Arrhythmia
  • Sleep disturbances

Although it may be used to treat or prevent deficiency states, it is also used to alleviate many conditions such as cardiovascular disease, PMS and prevent migraines and muscular cramps.

Selenium, parathyroid hormone, vitamin B6 and D assists in the absorption of magnesium and Phytate, fibre, alcohol, excess saturated fat, calcium and high phosphorus hinders its absorption.

Magnesium food sources include legumes, wholegrain cereals, nuts, dark green leafy vegetables, cocoa, soy flour and seeds.


If you feel you are relating to this information, you may need to begin consuming magnesium rich foods or magnesium supplementation as directed by our Naturopath and/or Chiropractor.